Empowerment Program

Aviation Safety Management Systems for Managers

designed to provide managers with an in-depth understanding of Safety Management Systems (SMS) and equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively implement and manage SMS in their organizations.

Mode of Delivery: Classroom-based
Duration: 1 week (full-time)
N Assesment
N Completion Certificate


The Advanced SMS for Managers course is designed to provide managers with an in-depth understanding of Safety Management Systems (SMS) and equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively implement and manage SMS in their organizations. The course will cover advanced concepts, strategies, and best practices related to SMS, with a focus on leadership, culture, risk assessment, performance monitoring, and continuous improvement. Through interactive learning activities and case studies, participants will gain practical insights and tools to enhance safety performance and promote a proactive safety culture.

Course Objectives

  1. Understand the concept and importance of Safety Management Systems (SMS) in the aviation industry.
  2. Familiarize participants with the key components and elements of an effective SMS.
  3. Develop the skills to establish and maintain a positive safety culture within their organizations.
  4. Learn advanced techniques for hazard identification, risk assessment, and risk mitigation.
  5. Understand the role of leadership in shaping safety culture and decision-making under uncertainty.
  6. Gain knowledge of international regulatory frameworks and industry standards related to SMS.
  7. Enhance skills in data collection, analysis, and performance monitoring for continuous improvement.
  8. Explore effective communication strategies for promoting safety and engaging stakeholders.
  9. Develop an understanding of legal requirements, compliance, and managing safety-related incidents.
  10. Learn how to integrate SMS with other management systems for optimal performance.

Mode of Delivery:

The course will be delivered in a full-time classroom format, providing participants with face-to-face interactions with instructors and fellow participants. The classroom sessions will include lectures, group discussions, case studies, and practical exercises to enhance learning and facilitate knowledge application.

Duration of the Course:

The Advanced SMS for Managers course is designed to be completed over a period of 1 week. Participants will attend classes on a full-time basis, with sessions scheduled throughout the week. The estimated time commitment for self-study, assignments, and assessments outside of the classroom sessions may vary, but participants should expect to dedicate sufficient time to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the course material.

Targeted Audience

The SMS for Managers course is designed for professionals and decision-makers in the aviation industry who have managerial responsibilities and a direct influence on safety management within their organizations. This course is suitable for:

    • Aviation managers and executives
    • Safety managers and officers
    • Operations managers
    • Quality assurance personnel
    • Regulatory compliance officers
    • Training and development managers
    • Airport managers and supervisors
    • Airline and aviation service providers’ managers

Note: While the course is primarily targeted towards managers, it can also benefit individuals who aspire to managerial roles in the aviation industry and wish to gain a comprehensive understanding of Safety Management Systems and their implementation.

Assessment Plan

The course will include both formative and summative assessments to evaluate participants’ understanding and application of the course materials.

Formative Assessments:

Formative assessments will be conducted throughout the course to provide ongoing feedback and support participants’ learning progress. These may include quizzes, case study analyses, group discussions, and online activities. The purpose of formative assessments is to reinforce learning, identify areas for improvement, and provide opportunities for reflection and discussion.

Summative Assessments:

At the end of the course, participants will be required to complete a summative assessment to demonstrate their competency in the key course objectives. This may include a final exam, a project or assignment, or a practical exercise. The summative assessment will evaluate participants’ ability to apply the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the course.


Upon successful completion of the course, participants will be awarded a certificate of completion, recognizing their achievement in the Advanced SMS for Managers course. The certificate will serve as evidence of their proficiency in SMS implementation and management and can be included in their professional development portfolio.


The Advanced SMS for Managers course can be customized to meet the specific in-house needs of any aviation company, allowing for an emphasis on areas that the company wants to dive deep into. By conducting a thorough needs assessment and collaborating with the company’s management team, the course content can be tailored to address specific challenges, industry regulations, and organizational goals. This customization may involve incorporating case studies and examples specific to the company’s operations, focusing on areas such as safety performance monitoring, risk assessment, incident investigation, or safety culture enhancement. Additionally, interactive discussions, workshops, and exercises can be designed to encourage participants to apply the course concepts directly to their roles and responsibilities within the company. Through this customization, the SMS for Managers course becomes a powerful tool for enhancing safety management practices and fostering a culture of safety within the aviation company.